Subject: (no subject)
Date: Dec 1 11:17:08 1994
From: Nie'er tongzhi - njf7i at

Hi everyone,
Just a short Ross' gull update.
I spent the day at the dam and saw the gull in the
obvious place (the viewing platform at the Oregon side
visitor's station, which is reached by the not-so-obvious door
to the right of the obvious door leading into the visitor's
center). The easiest way would have been to simply wait there until the
gull showed up. However, After not seeing the gull after one hour or so,
I (and another who had seen it at 8:00) walked down to the tiny island
downstream, at which point the gull evidently flew back to the dam (according to
others who were enjoying it back at the platform while we busily scanned the
gulls on the island for an hour or so). Anyway, we eventually observed it
at the platform, where it periodically flew in to feed.
The gull remained there until at least 2:00 p.m. when I left, and
almost certainly will be there for another day, hopefully throughout
the season.
Incidentally the area on the walk from the dam downstream to the tiny
island near the bridge is very pretty although somewhat atrificial looking,
and harbored woodducks, yellow-rumped warblers, four Barrow's Goldeneye
amidst a large flock of a hundred or so Common Goldeneye, et. al.
Finally, the distance from the start of I-90 (at I-5's exit 164)
to the dam on the oregon side is 243 miles, and takes a hair over four hours.

Neil J. Fergusson ******************
1405 1/2 NE 56th St. * Baffins *
Seattle, WA 98105 * or *
(206) 517-5466 * bust *
njf7i at ******************