Subject: Creating signature files
Date: Nov 14 14:26:26 1994
From: Dan Victor - dvictor at

On Mon, 14 Nov 1994, Charles Easterberg wrote:

> Dan, I forgot to sign my message about rats. What can I do about it?

Nice message Charles. But once it's sent...

Here's a little something that might help for future postings.


Creating signature files

There is an easy Unix editor called "pico" which can be used to create
signature file(s). Some of you have probably noticed that some people
posting messages always have a nice signature block at the end of each
message. Below is my attempt to show you how to create a .signature file
or an optional signature file.

.signature file (Always appears when you are composing, forwarding or
replying to a message)

After quitting out of email go to your S shell prompt, homer%,
enter pico .signature [example]

homer% pico .signature

[enter your signature block as you might want it, example]

Homing Pigeon
<xyz at>
U-District, WA

[or perhaps]

Homing Pigeon <xyz at> U-District, WA

[^X to Exit the pico editor, Y to save the file, ENTER to accept the
filename .signature]

Should you wish to change this file merely load it into the pico editor again
homer% pico .signature

The nice feature of the .signature file is that it's always there when
you Compose, Reply or Forward messages.


Optional signature files can be created in a similar fashion and then
read into the message before you send it. (The trick here is to remember
to import it)

Use pico to create a file called something else OTHER than .signature
homer% pico sig (or some other name)

[create the file as above, Exit, Save, accept filename]

Then after you have composed the message to post, before sending it use
^R to read a file, type the file name " sig " and your optional signature
file will be loaded into the bottom of your message.

If you are using an emailer other than Pine you may want to contact your
system administrator for assistance.

Dan Victor <dvictor at> Seattle, WA

Here's a seasonal, optional...

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^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^