Subject: Re: band-tailed pigeons
Date: Aug 28 17:51 PD 1995
From: David Lyles - davidl at

> I also saw a single band-tailed pigeon, today, on my lunch hour. This
> is my first sighting of band-tailed pigeons this summer here in
> Washington state.
> 0> Bruce Helmboldt

Band-tails show up every year at this time in my back yard to feed on the
berries on a tree next to my deck (sorry, I don't know what kind of tree it
is. It grows like a weed; has soft, thorny wood; frond-like branches; and
small, dark-purple berries). I saw the first ones this year last Wednesday
(8/23). There are usually about 6-8 on my tree and the neighboring trees at
any given time. They come and go until they've eaten all the berries.

David Lyles <davidl at>
Portland OR