Subject: Re: one list or two lists
Date: Jan 12 12:23:32 1995
From: Don Baccus - donb at Rational.COM

> I have some difficulty understanding why some people oppose two

Well, I already subscribe to OBOL and tweeters. There are a few people
who take posts they feel will interest Washington birders off OBOL and
then post them to tweeters, and vice-versa. Meaning I have to wade
through messages twice. Formal RBAs and "seen again at!" posts very
commonly get posted twice.

I've got a feeling we'd see some of the same if tweeters were split

I've been around other lists and newsgroups during "split" discussions,
and the discussions about splitting tend to outnumber everything else.
And, once begun and worn out, they come back like a bad habit every few
months until the split happens. Then, splitting the split becomes a
popular topic.

-Don Baccus-