Subject: Peregrine Pair in Tacoma
Date: Oct 25 15:14:55 1995
From: "James R Lyles III, Technical Publications Editor, Tacoma, WA "<jrlyles at> - "James R Lyles III, Technical Publications Editor, Tacoma, WA "<jrlyles at>

Just a few minutes ago I watched two adult Peregrine Falcons (one
of them noticeably larger than the other) feeding from an upper
ledge of the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Tacoma. (My office is
on the 6th floor of a nearby building.)

Although I have kept tabs on at least one downtown Tacoma
peregrine every winter for the past five winters, I have
never before seen two of them together as I did today.

I watched the larger one dine on what seemed to be a rock dove,
while the smaller one perched nearby. When the smaller one
(the tercel, presumably) approached the meal, it shied away at
the last minute, but the larger one didn't vigorously drive the
smaller one off. In a few minutes they flew off more or less

Because they used what has been a favorite peregrine feeding
site in past years, I expect to see them regularly in coming
days, and I'll keep close watch on the relations between these

--cheers, Jim Lyles
Tacoma, WA 98403 <jrlyles at> or <jrlyles at>