Subject: Barrred Owl at Lincoln Park, West Seattle
Date: Jan 18 07:54:15 1996
From: Russell Rogers - rrogers

Hello Tweeters,

Last night, David Wright, Mary Ellen Ahearn, Jim Jaekline, and myself,
went out on a Screech Owl quest to Lincoln Park in West Seattle last

We did get at least three, maybe four, responses from Western Screech
Owls, but the big surprise was a Barred Owl that flew in, in response to
the tape of a Screech Owl. We had a really good look at it - as it looked
down on us from about 15 to 20 feet up.

This was the first Barred Owl that I have heard of in West Seattle. Would
anyone else know of any other reports?

I have also noticed that the Screech Owls have been less responsive to my
efforts to find them than they were 2 years ago. I would think that the
presents of a Barred Owl in the park might have something to do with this.
I don't know if the intention of this Barred Owl was just defending
territory from other owls, or if he was coming in to hunt down and eat a
smaller cousin.

Any comments out there on relationship of big and small owls in the same

Russell Rogers
4510 Glenn Way SW
Seattle, Washington 98116
(206) 935-6280
rrogers at