Subject: kestrel - not.
Date: Mar 05 21:09:07 1996
From: Arlene Sopranzetti - cpelog

Yesterday's posting about a kestrel hunting pine siskins in my yard was
incorrect. I positively identified it this morning as a merlin. During my
breakfast the twenty pine siskins at my feeder took off in a start, one
smashing into the window, because the merlin swooped in. The merlin missed
but then perched in a nearby tree for about 15 minutes. Giving me enough
time to flip through my 3 books to id it. Then to top it off the merlin took
flight, maneuvered through the ornamental pines on a glide, skimmed the
fence, and landed on a ground feeding bird. (It might have been a junco.)
He stood very still in the grass while the captured bird struggled. After a
few minutes it took off with his breakfast clutched in his talons.

I put the dazed pine siskin in a safe spot on my porch during all of this.
It took about 20 minutes for the bird to liven up and eventually flew off.
Hopefully not too brain-damaged.


Arlene Sopranzetti, Renton, WA
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