Subject: Re: Bird Weights
Date: Nov 18 09:30:12 1996
From: Dennis Paulson - dpaulson at

>I too would like a book that gives bird weights, or ranges of weights.

The best available is this:

Dunning, J. B., Jr. 1984. Body weights of 686 species of North American
birds. Western Bird Banding Association Monograph No. 1.

Lists weights, often divided by sex, and the reference from which they were
taken. Ranges, means and sample sizes given. Definitely not the last
word, however, as only one set of weights is used for each species. Birds,
especially migratory ones, are notably variable among seasons, and,
although Dunning does list the seasons for many of the weights, he doesn't
tell you what their significance is. He does state clearly the limitations
in using a single mean figure. I found his shorebird weights often useful
but by no means dependable for comparing species, as weights for one
species might have been of fat birds during migration, another species of
thin birds during winter. Still others have huge ranges because they
include everything from very fat to very thin birds.

Dennis Paulson, Director phone 206-756-3798
Slater Museum of Natural History fax 206-756-3352
University of Puget Sound e-mail dpaulson at
Tacoma, WA 98416
web site: