Subject: Myth or fact?
Date: Sep 24 21:37:07 1996
From: Joan Bergstrom - bergjoan at

Taking the risk of being laughed at...I'd like to know if there is any
fact to the story circulating about preying mantis predation on
hummingbirds. I have a honeysuckle that is host to a 3 inch mantis and
it perches near opened blossoms. That probably attracts insect
pollinators but a tiny Calliope is possibly smaller than the mantis. Has
anyone seen this predation? Would a hummer meet any of the mantis' food
needs and could it kill a hummer?

I've relocated the mantis several times but either I have several or
that one returns. They are beneficial so I would not wish them gone.

Joan Bergstrom, Pocatello, Id BERGJOAN at