Subject: RE: Urban Merlin
Date: Apr 4 18:07:14 1997
From: "Martin Muller" - MartinMuller at

On April 3, Kelly McAllister wrote (in part):

I believe there was speculation that the wintering merlins
might be departed to more spring-like haunts. Well, today the happy
office inhabitants on the first floor of the Natural Resources building in
Olympia gathered at a window where they watched a merlin eating a rock dove/
city pigeon on the concrete perhaps 5 - 10 feet away.


Pretty late season I would think.

end snippets.

Wow, neat observations for your happy office inhabitants!
On my April 2, Wednesday morning Green Lake (Seattle) bird count I had one
large Merlin perched in the cottonwoods at Gaines Point. It left when four
Crows descended upon it. I watched the Merlin streak across the lake, steady
flapping, heading out of view to the south. No idea whether it's a local or
visitor or temporarily disoriented migrant.

Martin Muller, Seattle
martinmuller at