Subject: Re: Oldsquaw name change
Date: Mar 18 15:43:48 1997
From: "James R Lyles III, Technical Editor, Tacoma, WA "<jrlyles at> - "James R Lyles III, Technical Editor, Tacoma, WA "<jrlyles at>

Earlier a Tweeter cited a dictionary* definition
of "squaw" as evidence that the term is neutral:

>Webster's dictionary defines "squaw" as "a North American
>Indian woman, esp. a wife". This doesn't sound very offensive
>to me. Perhaps someone may have used the word in a context
>which was offensive, but that doesn't make the word inherently
> offensive.

But the Merriam-Webster's 10th collegiate goes on to
report that the term for woman or wife is "usu[ally] used

--cheers, Jim Lyles, Tacoma