Subject: Re: Oldsquaw alternatives to Long-tailed Duck
Date: Mar 21 16:57:17 1997
From: Craig Corder - ccorder at

I vote to keep OLDSQUAW as its name.

But if we must change, I would vote for GRANNY DUCK. It seems those
Granny's have been getting off too easy for too long!

Also, if OLDSQUAW is changed, I think BALD EAGLE should be also changed,
because that name certainly offends my chrome dome.

Another option is to change the name every three years in order to spread
the offenses around. (and keep bird books out of date)

I'm going birding!

Craig Corder
Hermiston Oregon
ccorder at

>It has been mentioned in these fora on several ocassions that we stop
>refering to _Clangula hyemalis_ as "Oldsquaw."
>There are alternatives. According to _Ducks, Geese and Swans of North
>America_ (Kortright, 1943) the following have been used as synonyms for
> Callithumpian Duck (my personal choice)
> Caccawee (or cockawee, kakawi)
> Coween
> Granny
> Hahaway
> Hell's Chicken (another one I'd vote for)
> Klahowyah
> Knockmolly
> Organ Duck
> Quandy
> Scoldnore
> Sonsonsolly Duck
> Uncle Dick