Subject: FWD: [UKBN] Wild birds care and rescue: spray film
Date: Apr 11 12:01:21 1998
From: Michael Price - mprice at

Hi Tweets,

Anyone out Tweeterland who can help?


>I'm an italian (Rome) LIPU's volontary worker. I study all problems
>linked to wild birds care and rescue. Recently, I learned the existence
>of a spray film probably in process of being experimented. This film,
>put in place of a plaster, covers the wound and protects from
>infections. The lightness of this spray film make it suitable to hard
>dressing in birds.
>I'm looking for somebody who can help me to find some detailed
>informations about this spray film, moreover I'd like to know if exist
>other alternative kind of dressing more suitable to birds' physiology
>and anatomy.
>Thank for your attention.
>Sabrina Calandra
>E-mail: mailto:lipuost at
>Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli
>LIPU is the BirdLife International Partner in Italy
>Area Romana E-mail: lipuost at
>Sezione LIPU Ostia Litorale (Roman Coastal Branch)
>Tel/fax +39 6 5627892
>E-mail: lipuost at
>Sezione di Roma/Centro Recupero Fauna Selvatica
>Roman Branch/Wildlife Rescue Centre
>E-mail: lipu at
>WWW -->