Subject: Request for 'Poll' Questions
Date: Jan 5 11:33:12 1998
From: "Robert Taylor" - taylorrt at

Hi Tweets

There has been a pretty vocal chorus of comments relating to "Conservation
License/Skagit/State Wildlife areas. I wrote a brief comment to Kelly that
perhaps our comments were known to us but didn't reach the ears of those
that administer the program.

e.g. One Tweet mentioned that there are fewer hunters/fishers than
birders/hikers yet they are heard because they are vocal and put their
money where their mouths are. With 600 folks on Tweets it would seem that
a response based on numbers could be made and presented to the managers of
the program.

Kelly responded:
"Not a bad suggestion. I think I have a pretty good
idea what the strongest suggestions would sound
like but, who knows, maybe I would be surprised.
If you wanted to develop a few questions for such a
poll, I would be happy to be the medium for compiling
the results and relaying it along to the appropriate people."

It would seem that this could be an opportunity to make a reasoned effort
to gain some consideration for our activities on those lands. Many states
actively support non-game activities and all are involved in protection of
resources (endangered/threatened/wetlands/breeding grounds,etc) and many
Tweets are very knowledgeable naturalists and can contribute much in their
day-to-day activities.

Does Skagit have a Bird List? Is there a good access map? Are there areas
that hunters use traditionally? Are the areas we use separate from those?
Can the boundaries of the areas be adjusted based on daily/current
activities/needs? Can the hunters (and birders, hikers, tourists?) be
educated on the other's concerns, interests, etiquette? Should we be
offering something if we want something?

Anyway, as a start, (what am I getting into????!!!!) why not send me (NOT
AS A "REPLY TO ALL" BUT AS PRIVATE E-MAIL) your questions for a poll,
suggestions, comments, concerns in as abbreviated form as possible. I will
sort them out and discuss some kind of a direction to go with Kelly. Maybe
nowhere or maybe somewhere but we'll see.

Happy New Year to all and Enjoy the Birding!

Federal Way, WA
taylorrt at