Subject: Re: Caspian Tern EIS
Date: Nov 09 13:54:01 1998
From: Don Baccus - dhogaza at

At 01:49 PM 11/9/98 -0800, Greg Pelletier wrote:
>Originally forwarded by Rebekah Creshkoff, 11/1/98
><rcreshkoff at MINDSPRING.COM>:
>"Feds Poised To Destroy Largest Caspian Tern Nesting Colony in North

They are planning to attempt to RELOCATE the colony. Whether or not
this will be successful the fact is that they're aren't setting out
to DESTROY the colony.

Misrepresenting their plan isn't really helping as far as I can

My position on "lying for birds" is just about as firm as on
"lying for God" :)

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <dhogaza at>
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