Subject: eggs for sale
Date: Jul 23 13:09:02 1999
From: Streiffert - streif at

Hi Tweeters - Was surfing - Found this at the Patuxent Wildlife Research
Center site.
Warm Regards, KStreiffert

The Price of Eggs
Reprinted from an advertisement in the long-defunct journal: THE
O?LOGIST (1894). At that timethe collection of eggs and stuffed birds
was a popular hobby of naturalists.


Prices cut in Two!

Having recently embarked in the curio business and wishing to obtain the
address of every live collector in the country, for the next 60 days, I
will make the following discounts. All eggs are strictly first class. In
a great many instances data can be furnished with single eggs. List of
fine sets sent on application. Parties sending me cash to any amount
over 75 can select eggs to twice the amount. On an order of $5.00 you
can select eggs to the amount of $10.50. On an order of $8 you can
eggs to the amount of $17 or on an order of $10.00 you can select eggs
to the amount of $28.00

Pied-bill Grebe $0.10
Puffin 20
Murre 20
Calif. Murre 20
Kittiwake Gull 25
Amer.Herring Gull 20
Ring-bill Gull 25
Laughing Gull 20
Franklin's Gull 30
Cabot's Tern 40
Caspian Tern 40
Common Tern 08
Black Tern 10
Sooty Tern 25
Noddy Tern 50
Fulmar 50
Manx Shearwater 1.00
Leach's Petrel 20
Gannet 35
Cormorant 30
Farralone Cormorant 40
White Pelican 35
Brown Pelican 25
Blue wing Teal 20
Barrows Goldeneye 75
Whooping Swan 1.50
Amer. Flamingo 1. 00
White Ibis 35
White-face Glossy Ibis 1.00
Wood Ibis 1.00
Amer. Bittern 75
Least Bittern 20
Amer. Egret 30
Snowy Heron 15
Louisiana Heron 12
Little Blue Heron 12
Green Heron 12
Bl'k. crown. N. Heron 12
King Rail 20
Sora Rail 12
Virginia Rail 12
Corn Crake 20
Florida Gallinule 10
Amer. Coot 10
Eup. Snipe 25
Dunlin 35
Willet 40
Bart. Sandpiper 30
Spotted Sandpiper 15
Lapwing 15
Oystercatcher 25
Bobwhite 15
Texan Bobwhite 10
Fla. Bobwhite 10
Calif. Partridge 15
Prairie Hen 20
Sage Grouse 75
Chachalaca 60
Red-bill Pigeon 75
White-wing Dove 20
Mex.Ground Dove 50
Mourning Dove 05
Turkey Vulture 75
Black Vulture 75
Cooper's Hawk 30
Red-tail Hawk 50
Gray Sea Eagle 2 00
Merlin 30
Kestrel 25
Sparrow Hawk 20
Amer. Osprey 50
Aud. Caracara 1.00
Long-ear Owl 35
Screech Owl 40
Tex.Screech Owl 40
Burrowing Owl 15
Road-runner 20
Yellow-bill Cuckoo 10
Black-bill Cuckoo 15
Baird's Woodpecker 75
Gold-fronted Woodpecker 50
Flicker 03
Nighthawk 40
Western Nighthawk 40
Texan Nighthawk 40
Ruby-throated Hummer 50
Nest of Hummer, asstd 25
Scis-tail Flycatcher 30
Phoebe 05
Wood Pewee 05
Acadian Flycatcher 15
Western Flycatcher 15
Little Flycatcher 25
Trails Flycatcher 15
Least Flycatcher 10
Skylark 15
Prairie Horned Lark 15
Amer. Magpie 15
Blue Jay 05
Amer. Crow 06
Fish Crow 35
Starling 10
Bobolink 25
Cowbird 03
Dwarf Cowbird 10
Yellow-headed Blackbird 03
Red-wing Blackbird 03
Bicolored Blackbird 10
Tricolored Blackbird 10
Brewer's Blackbird 10
Purple Grackle 05
Great-tail Grackle 15
Bronzed Grackle 05
House Finch 05
American Goldfinch 05
Arkansas Goldfinch 10
Ch'sn't-collared Longspur 35
Vesper Sparrow 05
Grasshopper Sparrow 20
Lark Sparrow 05
Western Lark Sparrow 05
Chipping Sparrow 02
Field Sparrow 03
Song Sparrow 02
Mountain Song Sparrow 25
Heermann's SongSparrow 10
Samuel's Song Sparrow 05
Texas Sparrow 50
Towhee 10
Spurred Towhee 20
California Towhee 10
Cardinal 05
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 10
Black-headed Grosbeak 15
Indigo Bunting 08
Lazuli Bunting 20
Sharpe's Seed-eater 1 00
Dickcissel 05
Scarlet Tanager 25
Summer Tanager 25
Purple Martin 12
Cliff Swallow 03
Barn Swallow 05
Tree Swallow 15
Bank Swallow 03
Cedar Waxwing 10
Loggerhead Shrike 08
White-rumped Shrike 08
Red-eyed Vireo 10
Warbling Vireo 15
Yellow-throated Vireo 25
White-eyed Vireo 15
Bell's Vireo 15
Prothonotary Warbler 25
Golden-winged Warbler 75
Parula Warbler 20
Myrtle Warbler 75
Magnolia Warbler 50
B'k throated Gr'n Warbler 50
Pine Warbler 50
Prairie Warbler 30
Oven-bird 20
Louisiana Water-Thrush 50
Maryland Yellow-throat 12
Yellow-breasted Chat 08
Long-tailed 'Chat 15
Hooded Warbler 50
American Redstart 15
White Wagtail 10
Meadow Pipit 10
Sage Thrasher 50
Mockingbird 05
Catbird 02
Brown Thrasher 03
Sennett's Thrasher 15
Curve-billed Thrasher 15
California Thrasher 20
Bendire's Thrasher 75
Cactus Wren 12
Carolina Wren 10
Rock Wren 50
Lomita Wren 75
Bewick's Wren 25
Baird's Wren 25
House Wren 05
Long-billed Marsh Wren 05
White-breasted Nuthatch 25
Tufted Titmouse 35
Chickadee 12
Carolina Chickadee 15
Wren-Tit 50
Bush-Tit 25
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 20
Wood Thrush 06
Wilson's Thrush 12
Russet-backed Thrush 15
Hermit Thrush 30
American Robin 03
Western Robin 10
Wheatear 10
Bluebird 02
Western Bluebird 12

Kirke B. Mathes, St. Augustine, Florida.