Subject: Savannah Sparrow specimen
Date: Oct 21 13:19:05 1999
From: EXT-Haynie, Carl B - Carl.Haynie at

Hi Tweets,

While walking into work yesterday, I discovered a freshly killed Savannah Sparrow on the sidewalk of our building here in Renton. It had evidently slammed itself into a window. Nonetheless, the specimen was in very good shape. So, at the risk of breaking some law (?), I carefully scooped it up and deposited the creature in a company freezer (it's now in my freezer as I didn't want coworkers to accidently come across a dead bird for lunch!). It appears to be one of the darker migrant subspecies (P. s. anthinus or P. s. sandwichensis?) but my resources (not to mention tools/experience) for determining its precise identity are poor.

Does anyone know of a particular museum or collection that would be most interested in having this critter?

Carl Haynie