Subject: Starling chasers
Date: Feb 26 21:42:16 2000
From: Sgd24 at - Sgd24 at

When I sent my previous message, I forgot to include an interaction that
really impressed me today. One of the male Juncos all by himself successfully
chased off two starlings and even wacked a few of their wing and tail
feathers. The starlings did not return while I was standing there. Its really
nice to see one of the natives sticking up for it's self. On a further spring
note, a winter wren was busy gathering nesting material and carrying it to a
likely nesting spot in a nearby log.

Scott Downes
sgd24 at
Seattle WA

To identify a species should not be enough to quench one's thirst,
a proper thirst must seek to understand every facet of the bird's