Subject: Bluebirds, partial albino redwing at Kentlake High School
Date: May 8 12:12:20 2000
From: Kraig,Eric - kraige at
There is yet another of the strikingly patterned partial albino redwings
(see Ruth Sullivan's excellent photos at for an example) on
territory in a roadside ditch at Kentlake H.S., which is south and east of
Kent, WA (more-or-less.) The ditch is between the entrance road and the
baseball fields - the bird is boldly proclaiming his ownership to all
comers, including those with nice long lenses, I'm sure. Just how common
are these birds, anyway?
My wife an I birded this spot on Sunday, during a break in my daughter's
volleyball tournament. Across the road from the ball fields, in a recently
cut-over area, we saw at least two male Western Bluebirds, a nice surprise.
The area was birdy-looking in general, with some nice cottonwoods, mature
alders, and hemlocks surrounding the cut-over areas and marshy spots. We
may go back when we have more time!
Eric Kraig
Olympia, WA
mailto:kraige at