Subject: N Pygmy Owl at Woodard Bay
Date: May 16 08:29:55 2000
From: Li, Kevin - Kevin.Li at METROKC.GOV
On Sunday Kris Baker and I heard a pygmy owl, minutes after inadvertently
flushing a great horned owl along the Woodard Bay loop trail. Kris
identified the pygmy owl's call, which we verified at home with recordings.
She also pointed out calls from swainson's thrushes, brown creepers, P-S
flycatchers, various warblers, and pileated woodpeckers.
A few dozen purple martins were active around the nestboxes, and rough
winged swallows were along a bluff facing the south.
Back in Ballard, we had tree swallows checking out a nest box at our house,
about twelve hours after I put it up. Thanks to Ed Newbold for the nestbox!
Kevin Li
Seattle, WA
e-mail: at