Subject: [Fwd: World Bird Count]
Date: Sep 14 06:51:53 2001
From: Mike Patterson - celata at

World Bird Festival Address wrote:
> (Spanish version below)
> Dear Friends,
> I'd like to invite you to participate in another important activity which is
> part of the World Bird Festival: the NTT-ME World Bird Count. Wild Bird
> Society of Japan (BirdLife in Japan), with the sponsorship of NTT-ME (Nippon
> Telephone and Telegraph Corporation - Multimedia Engineering), are holding
> the 7th NTT-ME World Bird Count. NTT-ME will make a donation of 1000 Yen
> (about ?5) to BirdLife's Threatened Species Fund for every species, up to a
> maximum of 5 million Yen.
> The NTT-ME World Bird Count will take place throughout October. All the bird
> lists must be sent to the "NTT-ME World Bird Count" office by November 20th:
> Email: wbc at
> Facsimile +81(42) 593-6873
> The information you should include is:
> 1. List of bird species seen or heard between October 1 and 31, 2001.
> 2. Date of birdwatching trip
> 3. Location of birdwatching
> 4. Country
> 5. Your name (main observer)
> 6. Numbers of observers (if you are in a group)
> 7. E-mail address
> 8. Fax number
> 9. Comments about your birdwatching trip
> Thank you,
> M?nica Rivas
> World Bird Festival 2001 Focal Person
> BirdLife International
> ------------
> Estimados Amigos,
> En esta oportunidad me gustar?a invitarles a participar en otra actividad
> importante, que es parte del Festival Mundial de las Aves, se trata del
> Conteo Mundial de Aves NTT-ME. Nuestra organizaci?n Partner en Jap?n, Wild
> Bird Society of Japan, con el auspicio de NTT-ME (Nippon Telephone and
> Telegraph Corporation - Multimedia Engineering), est?n llevando a cabo el
> 7mo Conteo Mundial de Aves NTT-ME.
> NTT-ME realizar? una donaci?n al Fondo de Especies Amenazadas del BirdLife
> International de 1000 yenes (alrededor de US$8) por cada especie reportada,
> hasta un m?ximo de 5 millones de Yenes.
> El Conteo Mundial de Aves NTT-ME se llevar? a cabo durante todo Octubre. Las
> listas deben ser enviadas hasta el 20 de noviembre a:
> "NTT-ME World Bird Count" Email: wbc at
> Facsimile +81(42) 593-6873
> O a la Oficina de BirdLife (?nicamente listas de Latinoam?rica): M?nica
> Rivas BirdLife International, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, CB3 0NA
> Cambridge, UK
> Direcci?n Electr?nica: monica.rivas at Fax: +44-1223-277200
> La informaci?n que deben incluir es:
> 1. Lista de las especies observadas o escuchadas, ?nicamente durante el mes
> de octubre del 2001. (por favor incluyan nombres cient?ficos y/o en ingl?s).
> 2. Fecha de la observaci?n
> 3. Sitio de la observaci?n
> 4. Pa?s
> 5. Nombre del observador principal
> 6. N?mero de observadores (si participa en un grupo)
> 7. Direcci?n electr?nica
> 8. Fax
> 9. Comentarios acerca de su salida de observaci?n
> Gracias,
> M?nica Rivas
> World Bird Festival 2001 Focal Person
> BirdLife International
> Wellbrook Court
> Girton Road
> CB3 0NA Cambridge
> UK
> Tel: +44-1223-277318
> Fax: +44-1223-277200
> Email: monica.rivas at
> Web:

Mike Patterson When I despair, I remember
Astoria, OR that all through history
celata at the way of truth and love have always won.
There have been tyrants, and murderers,
and for a time they can seem invincible,
but in the end they always fall.
Think of it...always.
- Mahatma Gandhi