Subject: Ballard martins fledge
Date: Aug 2 17:53:28 2002
From: kdli at - kdli at

This morning at the Shilshole Bay martin boxes I saw two fledglings perched on their nest box, with more nestlings inside. After taking dozens of pictures, I saw a nestling bolt from the box and make a quick flight in front of the pilings. Adults were in noisy pursuit, seemingly encouraging the young one. The three fledglings spent much of the next hour atop the box, keeping a watchful eye for the parents, who came by about every 15-20 minutes. Four other martin nests are active, with nestlings peeking out much of the time.

Picnic Point has a number of active martin nests, but activity was considerably less than what I saw in Ballard. The rising tide forced me to make only a brief trip at a considerable distance. My guess would be five or more nests.

Jack Block Park has six nests with some nestlings on the verge of fledging; the gourd nearest the public pier seems to be the furthest along, with three anxious nestlings straining to get a peek of the outside world, and to get the first meal among their siblings.

>From Herring's House Park we saw activity at just one box, but from yesterday's visit I'm sure of nests in a few of the cavities.

Terminal 105 probably has at least one pair, but a train blocked our access today.

Kevin Li
kdli at
Ballard, USA