Subject: Birding Tax ?
Date: Dec 25 10:41:07 2003
From: Mike Denny - m.denny at

Hello All,

I am mystified why so many think they need to fork over more of their funds to State or Federal Wildlife Agencies so they can have a voice in non-game issues. The issue is not wither its game or none game, but rather habitat and compatible uses within that habitat. The fact is you already have a voice in this state as WDF&W has a very receptive Wildlife Commission that holds meetings all over this state of ours and right now the only folks they hear from are hunters, fishermen and trappers. How many of you have been to a wildlife commission meeting and spoken to them of your concerns? Birding is seldom on their horizon as no birders ever show up and speak up. Nothing gets this commissions attention more than an informed private citizen that is willing to just take the time and present a concern in a civilized manner. I would urge my fellow birders to consider using your voice and bring it along with you to any commission meeting. Sitting back and anonymously donating additional taxes still will change nothing. It is time that birders stop standing off in the shadows complaining that no one hears them because they don't deserve to be heard as they are not paying their fair share. Bunk! 78%+ of Washington's citizens do not fish or hunt and enjoy none consumptive uses of our states wild areas. Folks we are the majority, unfortunately the largely silent majority. So this coming New Year make it a point to attend a Washington Wildlife Commission Meeting in your area and sign up to speak for habitat and birding. If this group of citizen commissioners heard from one or two birders everywhere they went they would soon start considering the none game issues as important as game issues. Merry Christmas and I hope to see you at WDF&W Commission Meeting.
Later Mike

Mike & MerryLynn Denny
323 Scenic View Drive
College Place, WA 99324
509.529.0080 (h)

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