Subject: Port Peregrines
Date: Jun 11 14:19:30 2004
From: Kelly Mcallister - mcallkrm at


I received a report that the young female Peregrine Falcon on the crane at the Marine Terminal of the Port
of Olympia was nowhere to be seen. I spent nearly an hour today watching the adults and, sure enough, there
was no sign of the youngster. When the adult female hopped across the deck to the box, got inside the box,
and still there was no response from any young Peregrine, I decided she must be dead. I arranged to go up to
try to find a carcass. When I got to the first landing, the adults started Kacking at me and, there on
the ledge above me, was a little downy fringed falcon head, peering over the edge at me. She had come out of
hiding to see what mom and dad were upset about. So, I left that way I had come.

It appears this little falcon has left the box and is living on the "catwalk", probably tucking under the
big cable drums to get out of the weather. The Marine Terminal has been incredibly busy, with helicopters
and other army equipment being off-loaded. The helicopters are reassembled and they lift off and head
back to their bases. Despite all of this, the Peregrines appear to be remaining rather calm and aloof...
except when I come climbing in their direction.

Kelly McAllister
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Olympia, Washington
Reply to: mcallkrm at