Date: Jul 23 15:27:49 2010
From: Ruth Sullivan - godwit513 at

Hello Tweeters,

Something told me to going to the Ocean Yesterday, even so I had a late
start,I saw many Shorebirds.Starting of at the Sewage Ponds there where
lot,s of Heermann's Gulls ,infact there where every where I went,nothing
besides the Mallards what are always there.
I went to the Jetty where again I saw the same species of Gulls with a few
Rockbirds,on the end of the Jetty ,6 Surfbirds and 3 Ruddy Turnstones,right
on time middle of July, in Dennis Paulson's &Terence R. Wahl. '' A Guide
to Bird Finding in Washington
Driving back on Marine View Drive ,from the Point,brown Jetty going thurs
the Sewage ponds.I saw a single larger Shorebird standing on top of the
Rocks,putting my Scope on I discover that it was a Wandering Tattler ,but
coming closer I saw that this Tattler was special since it was in
breeding Plumage.Range,breeds from northeastern Siberia to Alaska and
Yukon.Winters on Pacific coast from California (rarely farther north)
I photographed many Tattlers in Washington,but never in Breeding
Plumage,infact in Dennis Paulson's Shorebird book,the photo of this species
is from California of April 1986 by Brian Small.I was so lucky to find this
bird all alone
On the Game Range I found the large amount of this Shorebirds ,starting
right across the Water Tower on this small Pond to the right there where
all Least Sandpipers with 2 Killdeere.Going to the right past the pilings I
male & female Marsh Hawks interacting with each other.
On the large Wetlands it was full of Shorebirds flying from place to
another .I found both Species of Dowitchers Short-billed and Long-billed
Western Sandpipers 25 ,Least Sandpipers 75, Greater Yellowlegs 4,Lesser
Yellowlegs 2 birds and 2 Snipe.
>From there I went to Bills Spit ,long line of nothing than Gulls,Close to
the Recreation Club,thurs Damon Point I counted 155 Marbled Godwit 's
Mixed in with the amount of 75 Dowitchers.
The Shorebirds coming in early this year,starting it off on the 14th of July
with the 2 Pectoral Sandpipers at Nisqually,

Cheers Ruth Sullivan