Subject: [Tweeters] Tri-Cities & Snake River birding 2/10-2/11
Date: Feb 12 16:58:09 2016
From: Ryan Merrill - rjm284 at

I spent Wednesday and Thursday birding mostly around the Tri-Cities and
along the Snake River. Many of the highlights were continuing birds, but I
had a few surprises as well. Here are some of the highlights. More
details and photos of some are/will be entered in eBird:

Eurasian Wigeon - 1 male Osprey Point, Pasco 2/11
Eurasian x American Wigeon - 1 male Chiawana Park 2/10
Long-tailed Duck - 1 male continues at Ice Harbor Dam 2/10
Northern Goshawk - 1 Hollebeke HMU 2/10 juv
California Gull - 2300 at the late afternoon marina roost Bateman Island
ICELAND GULL - 1 Bateman Island 2/11 first cycle
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2 Bateman Island 2/11 adult & third cycle
Glaucous-winged/Western Gull - about 28 Glaucous-winged and 11 Western x
Glaucous-winged hybrids Bateman Island 2/11
SLATY-BACKED GULL - 1 Bateman Island 2/10 continuing bird on the marina
rooftop, adult or near-adult
Herring x Glaucous Gull - a second cycle Lower Monumental Dam 2/11 and a
likely first cycle (if not this combination a Glaucous-winged x Herring?)
at Bateman Island on 2/11
Say's Phoebe - 1 Pasco-Kahlotus Rd at Devil's Canyon Rd 2/11
Loggerhead Shrike - 1 between Kahlotus and Washtucna 2/11
TREE SWALLOW - 1 Bateman Island 2/10 Early! Especially for eastern
Washington, the previous earliest record I can find is from 2/12
Black-capped Chickadee - 4 Lyons Ferry 2/11
Mountain Chickadee - 2 Windust 2/11, 1 Washtucna 2/11, 1 Lyons Ferry 2/11
Brown Creeper - 1 Windust 2/11, 1 Lyons Ferry 2/11
Townsend's Solitaire - 1 Washtucna 2/11
Hermit Thrush - 1 Bateman Island 2/10, 1 Lost Island HMU 2/11
White-throated Sparrow - 2 Lost Island HMU 2/11
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1 Bateman Island 2/10, 1 Hollebeke HMU 2/10
Purple Finch - 1 Bateman Island 2/10, 35 Fishhook Park, 5 Lost Island HMU -
all were the western race, 'californicus'
Common Redpoll - 1 Hollebeke HMU 2/10

Good birding,
Ryan Merrill
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