Subject: [Tweeters] Oh another eagle observation and a question
Date: Feb 25 18:10:15 2016
From: Rob Sandelin - robsan668 at

Double bluff park on Whidbey Island is an off leash dog area. Today I
watched an elderly lady with a wiener dog. The little dog was about 10 feet
from the lady. An eagle came up from behind her and then dropped about 10
feet with its talons out. Whoa, I thought I was in for a amazing show but
the eagle broke it off. The lady was none the wiser, I don't think she even
saw the eagle as it passed over head and down the beach.

How big a prey would an eagle take? Would it actually take something the
size of a wiener dog?

If they would I wonder if a sign warning people with little dogs might be

Rob Sandelin

Kind of disappointed