Subject: [Tweeters] Birding Centerville Road, Lyle, WA
Date: Feb 29 08:58:32 2016
From: Gerry Ellis - gerry at
Enroute to Wenatchee over the weekend birded the route between Lyle and
Goldendale up Centerville Road. Highlights: Starting with Catherine Crk
Reserve on Old Lyle Rd (Hwy 8), pair of Peregrine Falcon, imm. Bald Eagle,
Western Bluebird and Meadowlark, flocks of courting Steller's Jay and
Lewis's Woodpecker. Up Centerville Road picked up 40-50 Wild Turkey, Say's
Phoebe, Horned Lark, Savannah Sparrow.
Gerry Ellis
Email: gerry at
Portland, OR
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