Dear Tweeters,
Today (4 May 2019) there was a ROCK WREN at the Illabot Creek Alluvial Fan Restoration Project, or whatever we might call that place. This is where the power-line road crosses the Rockport-Cascade Road, a bit upriver from Martin Ranch Road. There is a big, blue, new metal gate blocking the power-line road where it goes south of Rockport-Cascade Road and uphill. A stone's throw east of the blue gate is a big pile of rocks, situated on a rough stone road that appears to have been used during the habitat work. I was trying for a better look at a VESPER SPARROW that flew into the rock pile, and the Rock Wren flew up out of the rocks! The wren was silent the whole time I watched it.
There were lots of other good birds today, despite my late start. Here are a few of them.
--north of the Rockport-Cascade Road, just a few hundred meters from the Rock Wren spot, there was a silent male MacGillivray's Warbler.
--there was a SOLITARY SANDPIPER in a puddle along Francis Road, between DeBay Slough and the Clear Lake SR 9 roundabout. The traffic was roaring by, and people beeped their horns at me as I watched this bird, although I was well off the roadway. The third and final horn-beeper flushed the bird, and it flew to the south, across the road.
--At DeBay Slough were a Bullock's Oriole and a Yellow Warbler.
--On Burmaster Road's east end was a Western Kingbird.
Yours truly,
Gary Bletsch
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