Jason - Sound Transit Light Rail will be coming to Redmond, and the tracks
will be running along the south side of SR-520, right where the Osprey
nest is located.
They have worked with Eastside Audubon and the Friends of Marymoor Park to
identify a suitable location for the new nest. A site has been chosen that
is in the park and within sight of the existing nest. I am very hopeful
that they will readily take to the new nest platform.
About a decade ago, at the same time that Marymoor was constructing the
paved pad where Cirque du Soleil sets up their tent, the cell phone company
decomissioned the tower on which the Osprey nested. Concerned that the
combination of events might cause nest abandonment, Parks built and
installed the current tower, complete with a man-made nest made of twigs
and blue tape. When the Ospreys arrived that spring, there were a couple
of weeks when one bird sat on the old nest and the other sat on the new,
and they cajolled and yelled at each other. Then they settled on the new
Sound Transit is planning to replace the nest tower during the off-season
this fall. I expect the biggest conflict may be with the Ospreys at the
*other* nest in that part of the park, as they battle over the newer,
cooler nest :)
= Michael Hobbs
On Thu, May 9, 2019, 11:27 AM Jason Ferleman <
jason.ferleman at gmail.com>
Hello All-
I just saw this Notice of Proposed Land Use Action. They are going to try
to relocate the Osprey nest. This seems crazy to me, this nest has been
used for years. It is no longer open for public comment. I found the
email of the project manager. Please comment on this!
Here is my email to them:
from: Jason Ferleman <jason.ferleman at gmail.com>
to: kevin.leclair at kingcounty.gov
Hello Kevin-
I just saw the notice located in Marymoor. I realize the public comment
period is over, however I still feel inclined to reach out to you. I would
like more information in regards to the process of relocating the nest, as
well as when the proposed work is scheduled.
I am a construction project manager as well as an avid bird watcher. I
have been monitoring the mating pair of Osprey and they are currently on
the nest. I also realize that this site has been frequented year over year
by Osprey. This will have a significant impact on these amazing birds.
I also have questions as to the critical nature of this relocation in
regards to the master project plan published on the Sound Transit website.
If the Downtown Redmond spur is not slated to open until 2024, what is the
critical path for disruption of the Osprey?
Thank you-
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