This morning, as I entered the Tacoma Nature Center, I heard a Warbling
Vireo singing high up in the trees. I tracked him down to a large Ash tree,
and got a short, but good look at him.
I walked the trail all the way around the willow swamp, and as I got back
near the nature center, I heard him again, and found him in a different,
larger Ash tree. This time I got a real good look at him. As I watched, a
second Warbling Vireo appeared next to him, and it looked like they were
If you want to see them, enter the area on the trail to the right of the
nature center, and scan the large Ash trees along the left side of the
trail. Looked like they were setting up housekeeping, so they should be
around for awhile.
Pat Coddington
Fife, WA
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