Subject: [Tweeters] Year-end tally plus Ocean Shores
Date: Fri Jan 1 13:30:53 PST 2021
From: Denis DeSilvis - avnacrs4birds at

I thought we'd definitely go over 100 species at our home in Roy, but it was not to be: finished up at 99 - darn!

Home runs: ROCK WREN and YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT. The latter was on my "possible" list as a species that might eventually show up; however, the former was (to me) a shocker. Staying home so much during the pandemic likely helped just watching the birds on the property.

Strike-outs: Most of the diving ducks; Osprey; Virginia Rail; Sora; MacGillivray's Warbler; Olive-sided Flycatcher - all of which are typically found.

Still, a good 2020 for birding the property - especially compared with other ongoing concerns (politics and pandemic).

Currently sitting in a condo watching the waves break over the north jetty at Point Brown, Ocean Shores. REALLY stormy here off and on the past several days with yet another high wind watch ongoing through tomorrow. I've been driving around occasionally to check what might have gotten blown in, but nothing unusual so far. Leaving tomorrow and will check some more on the way out....

Happy New Year to all in Tweeterdom, and may all your birds be identified,

Denis DeSilvis
avnacrs 4 birds at outlook dot com

Point Brown, Ocean Shores
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