I went looking for Redheads at Weyerhaeuser Pond in Federal Way this
afternoon, but did not find any. Normally there are several Killdeer in the
grass north of the pond - again no luck! Here is what I did see there:
American Wigeon - large flock
Ring-necked Duck - many
Lesser Scaup - a few
Ruddy Duck - a few
Bufflehead - several
Gadwall - one pair
Hooded Merganser - several pairs
Canvasback - one (female?)
Pied-billed Grebe - one
Double-crested Cormorant - one
(Mallard - none!)
As you can tell, I did not count any of them! At first a light fog was
rising of the water, but as I got to the furthest point close to the
building, a torrential rainfall made the visibility even worse. I was
soaked by the time I got back to my car!
Happy New Year to All and Good Birding!
My FOY : Anna's Hummingbird
*Hans Feddern*
Twin Lakes/Federal Way, WA
thefedderns at gmail.com
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