Subject: [Tweeters] Bewick's Wren collecting bugs in Port Townsend
Date: Sun Jan 3 11:19:50 PST 2021
From: dgrainger at - dgrainger at
Small Smoke Tree in a pot on our deck, just outside back door attracted
a Bewick's Wren (Januay 2nd) who darted about collecting bugs from the
now dormant leafless twiggy branches. There was a light rain, so I
photographed it through the glass of our back door, using 80-400 MM
Nikkor on my D-850 Nikon SLR at ISO 4,000 and shutter 1/2,500th sec;
used Photoshop to get rid of spots on the glass. Posted it on website,
where it is mixed in with warblers and some other birds (as I don't have
enough "categories" to classify properly.) It landed on the website
right next to my photo of a Pacific Chorus Frog, if you go looking.