Subject: [Tweeters] Pine Siskin flocks vanishing?
Date: Fri Jan 22 10:55:48 PST 2021
From: Roger Craik - r_craik at


Cleaning the feeders is not good enough. siskins will feed off the
ground as well. If there is any contamination there they will become
infected just as easily. FWIW Juncos and Towhees don't seem to be
affected as badly but finches can be.

Roger Craik
Maple Ridge BC

On 2021-01-22 10:14 a.m., GENE BULLOCK wrote:

> After being invaded by hordes of pine siskins, the flocks seem to have

> vanished.  Is this because of WDFW telling eveyrone to take do0wn all

> feeders, including hummingbird feeders?  Because of reports that

> irrupting pine siskins were arriving emaciated and starving, I chose

> to clean my feeders and leave them up. I saw little justification for

> taking down my hummingbird feeders, because hummingbirds have little

> contact with finches and don't frequent seed and suet feeders.

> Gene Bullock

> Kitsap Audubon Society

> Poulsbo, WA


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