Subject: [Tweeters] Waterville Plateau and Okanogan Highlands 1/22, 1/23,
and 1/24.
Date: Sun Jan 24 20:22:18 PST 2021
From: Shep Thorp - shepthorp at
Hi Tweets,
We observed three Snowy Owl in the Atkins Lake area, and picked up brief sightings of Long-eared Owl and Short-eared Owl while on the Waterville Plateau. There were reports from other birders of a large flock of Snow Bunting, 2000, on F Road north of Spraurer or 8th Road.
In the Okanogan Highlands:
Fancher Road was good for Chukar and Golden Eagle.
The Highland Snow Park had a large flock of White-winged Crossbills, we observed about 25. Another birding party saw about 40.
Mary Ann Creek Road was good for Northern Pygmy Owl and Pine Grosbeak (flock of 20). We also saw good numbers of Ruffed Grouse. Other birders reported nice flocks of Common Redpoll.
In Conconully:
Happy Hill Road had 300 plus Gray-crowned Rosy-finch at 7:30am just south of Conconully Road leaving a roost. We also had Prairie Falcon on Happy Hill.
In Conconully we picked up Townsend's Solitaire and Golden Eagle.
Bridgeport and Lake Pateros:
As usual, Washburn Island was great for sparrows and waterfowl.
There was a large flock of Cedar Waxwings at the truck scales (SR97 - SR17)
Bridgeport State Park had two Northern Saw-whet Owls and two Great Horned Owl.
Tomorrow we will do Bridgeport Hill and more Waterville Plateau. Notable misses, we have not found Bohemian Waxwing or Sharp-tailed Grouse. More to follow...
Happy birding,
Shep Thorp, with Scott Ramos and Jon Anderson.
Shep Thorp, VMD
Family Guy, Emergency Veterinarian, Birder
Browns Point, Tacoma