Tweets -; it was rather damp and dark this morning. Predawn had a fair amount of actual rain. During the regular walk it was mostly drizzle and mizzle, clearing a little later in the morning. A good day for waterbirds, not great for anything else.
a.. Wood Duck -; pair in slough, one of the 10 species of duck we saw
b.. Ring-necked Pheasant -; "Lonesome George" was in the Pea Patch this morning
c.. Horned Grebe -; one far out on the lake
d.. Hairy Woodpecker -; a couple of sightings
e.. Pileated Woodpecker -; one south of the Rowing Club. First of Year for us
f.. Merlin -; one flying with prey -; First of Year for us. Later, we saw possibly the same bird near the mansion, sitting motionless for a long time. Must have been filling prey
g.. Fox Sparrow -; notably many, easy to see -; maybe a dozen
h.. White-throated Sparrow -; two with Goldencrowns at Dog Central. Probably the same two as last week
Nadine saw a LONG-TAILED WEASEL just pre-dawn, East Meadow (First of Year). At the Rowing Club, two RED-EARED SLIDERS were on a log. We've had them 3 out of 4 surveys this January, yet never had January turtles before this year.
Misses today included Greater Scaup, Mew Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Cooper's Hawk, Bushtit, and Marsh Wren.
For the day, 55 species. For the year, adding Pileated Woodpecker and Merlin, we're up to 73 species.
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