At Leavenworth, WA in a long stand of trees across from main building of
the Fish Hatchery: we usually find a lot of Clark's
n 2021-01-29 10:19, Taza Schaming wrote:
Hello all,
I'm seeking help in locating Clark's nutcracker nests for my
Nutcracker Ecosystem Project and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Clark's Nutcracker/Whitebark Pine Ecosystem initiative. Nest sightings
will assist studies of the role of Clark's nutcrackers in conifer
ecosystems, the effects of climate change on the birds and coniferous
forests, and educational efforts to elevate awareness.
Very few nutcracker nests have ever been documented, so any and all
new nest information is wonderfully helpful. Nests are made of
twigs/sticks and are ~8-12" wide, ~4-9" high, and 8-60' off the
ground, primarily in conifers. Nests can be found in live or dead
trees, and dense or open stands of trees. Nest building tends to begin
in late-February/early-March (but may be earlier or later depending on
the location and year), and seeing nutcrackers carrying twigs for
building is the most easily observable sign of nesting. Nestlings
should all have fledged by mid-June.
If you spot Clark's nutcrackers nesting, please send GPS point
and/or other location information, such as tree species and height of
nest in the tree, as well as nest status (building, eggs, nestlings),
date located, and any other details to tazaschaming at I'd
also love observations of juveniles. Please let me know if you have
any questions!
For more information and photos of nests, see
> [1]. Thank you!
Taza Schaming, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative
256 Gulf Hill Rd.
Voorheesville, NY 12186
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