Subject: [Tweeters] Samish Flats - Early Morning, Early June
Date: Tue Jun 6 07:18:56 PDT 2023
From: jimbetz at - jimbetz at
Tuuuweeeeet! Tuuuweeeet! Tweet! Tuuuweeeet!
I went out to the Samish Flats -early- this morning.
===> Bottom line = no birds to speak of ...
Was on the Flats just after 5, stayed until 10 before 7.
Sun came over the mountains right about 5:45. Tide was high
(actually quite high). A few early cars (commuters?) but
the farms hadn't started working until just before 7 when I
was leaving. Mostly trucks but still looked like commuters
(new, not dirty, no 'equipment' of any kind in the bed).
One bicyclist, two motor cycles.
No eagles, no hawks, one GBH, no crows or ravens, no TUVU,
no ducks, no geese, a few RWB, a few less song birds, no
wading birds, no shorebirds, no diving birds, and that was
it. :-(
Didn't even get out the camera or binos. Spent the majority
of the time at the East 90 but also sat at the West 90 and The T
and drove out to Samish Island, etc. Went out via Hwy 11, came
back via D'Arcy, Allen West, Benson, and etc.
Beautiful morning - especially the light on the fields at
the East 90 as the sun came up over the mountains.
- Jim