Subject: [Tweeters] Wenas Audubon Campout COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD
Date: Tue Jun 6 14:42:09 PDT 2023
From: Michael Hobbs - birdmarymoor at
For the first time in 60 years, the Wenas Audubon Campout was held on the
weekend after Memorial Day weekend, rather than on the holiday weekend
itself. It was do much better, since there were essentially zero ORVs and
ATVs. So quiet and peaceful. The birding was still excellent.
One highlight was a gorgeous male COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD that showed up
sporadically at some of the hummingbird feeders people had put out for the
weekend. Both Friday and Monday, it came to my feeder
at 46.907496,-120.810556
I believe this is a County First for Yakima County.
The Wenas Audubon Campout was started 60 years ago, as a cooperative free
birding campout for all Audubon chapters in the state. It is held in what
Google Maps calls the "Cascade Camp, Selah, WA", though it is quite a bit
north of Selah in the Wenas Valley. Camping is primitive, without even
picnic tables nor water available, though the campground has vault toilets
and the committee brings in portapotties as well. There are several free
field trips organized, and birding is great just around camp.
Other highlights were BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER just downstream of the bridge
than you could count, and over 100 other species.
- Michael Hobbs