Subject: [Tweeters] Fishing Brewer's Blackbird
Date: Wed Jun 7 13:58:07 PDT 2023
From: PENNY & DAVID KOYAMA - plkoyama at

David and I also saw an unexpected "fisher bird" on Sunday at the Little White Salmon Fishery in Skamania Co. It was a Brewer's Blackbird that hung out by the pool where the "small fry" swim. (Is that really what they're called, ha ha?) It would grab one of the little fish then eat it down on the driveway.

We also spotted a American Dipper at the spillway fishing, then carrying its catch up to a nest above the water in the heavy grating.
Penny Koyama, Bothell

> On 06/06/2023 6:36 PM PDT ANDREA BENNETT <bennetts10 at> wrote:



> King County Seattle-On Tuesday, June 6 at 5 PM at Matthews Beach on American crow, was kiting over the lake and caught a small fish! Also present: bald eagle, osprey, great, blue heron, belted, kingfisher, house finch, song sparrow, violet-green swallow, mallard, Canada goose
