Subject: [Tweeters] Fledglings!
Date: Fri Jun 9 12:29:34 PDT 2023
From: Tucker, Trileigh - TRI at

Over here in my part of West Seattle, north of Lincoln Park, it is indeed fledgling week! In the bird area outside my study window, I have young bushtits and nuthatches galore. Here's a video of a flock of 9 bushtits<>, including at least 6 fledglings, enjoying one of my birdbaths, and another of a nuthatch parent trying to feed 4 frisky youngsters at once<>. I also have fledgling towhees, House Finches, and Song Sparrows, though not in quite such numbers as the others.

I think in my area, the crows are sufficiently distracted by the Cooper's Hawks and the Barred Owl to not bother too much with the tiny nestlings. And the adult and fledgling crows also seem to find much more entertainment chasing each other.


Trileigh Tucker
West Seattle<>

From: Tom Benedict <benedict.t at>
Date: Friday, June 9, 2023 at 11:23 AM
To: Tweeters at <Tweeters at>
Subject: Re: [Tweeters] Fledglings!
I'm impressed! How do you keep the crows and jays from raiding the nestlings of the other birds? The crows and jays in our neighborhood wipe out pretty much all the other broods. Tom Benedict Seahurst, WA >

On Jun 9, 2023, at 10:32, Tom and Carol Stoner wrote:

> > It's fledgling week here in West Seattle. The crows have 4, the bushtits have at least 3 and the house sparrows and dark-eyed juncos have a few. It's been fun watching the bushtits arrive in flocks again and teach the young 'uns how to use the suet feeder. > > Carol Stoner > West Seattle >