Subject: [Tweeters] Caspian Tern colonies in Puget Sound -- and banded Gl-W gull
Date: Tue Jun 13 16:20:32 PDT 2023
From: Steve Hampton - stevechampton at


I have two questions:

1) Besides the colony at Rat Island (Fort Flagler area), is anyone aware of
other active Caspian Tern colonies in Puget Sound right now?

2) I'm hearing about a banded Glaucous-winged (or more likely
Glaucous-winged x Western) Gull nesting in Kitsap. Does anyone know who may
have been banding them (at least 4 years ago)? I know many Western Gulls
are banded on the Farallones, but I'm not aware of Gl-W or Olympic Gull
banding. thx,

Steve Hampton
Port Townsend, WA (qatáy)