Subject: [Tweeters] Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Getty's Cove
Date: Wed Jun 14 15:05:53 PDT 2023
From: Tom Benedict - benedict.t at

I am a native Pacific Northwesterner, but I don't know where Getty's Cove is. I did, just now, 'google' it and learned that there is a Getty's Cove near Vantage, WA. Is that the one you're referring to?

Tom Benedict
Seahurst, WA

> On Jun 14, 2023, at 11:01, Brad Waggoner <wagtail24 at> wrote:


> Hi all,


> There is/was a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak at the same spot as the Black-and-White Warbler near the foot bridge. We have lost track of it currently and the wind is making it a bit tough. It called fairly frequently, but we did not hear it sing its full song.


> The Waggoner brothers.