Subject: [Tweeters] Edmonds Roundup - May 2023
Date: Tue Jun 20 18:32:55 PDT 2023
From: Carol Riddell - cariddellwa at
Hi Tweets,
As of the end of May, the Edmonds 2023 year list is at 161 species. During the month we added the following species in chronological order:
Lazuli Bunting (code 5), 1 male (photographed) at west end of Puget Drive, 5-1-23. This is only the second report for Edmonds. The first was at Edmonds marsh years ago.
Warbling Vireo (code 2), at Yost Park, Willow Creek Hatchery, and Edmonds marsh, 5-1-23.
Western Tanager (code 2), 1 at Yost Park, 5-1-23.
American Pipit (code 3), 2 at Edmonds marsh, 5-1-23, with additional sightings 5-7 & 5-14-23.
Yellow Warbler (code 2), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-6-23.
Cassin's Vireo (code 3), 1 at Pine Ridge Park, 5-7-23.
Yellow-headed Blackbird (code 3), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-10-23, with additional sightings, 5-15 & 5-26-23.
Western Wood-Pewee (code 2), Yost Park, 5-11-23.
Swainson's Thrush (code 2), Yost Park, 5-11-23. (An earlier waterfront report in a nocturnal checklist was not used because the attached 4 second recording is all background noise. It did not support the report of that species.)
MacGillivray's Warbler (code 4), 1 in the Edmonds Lake Ballinger neighborhood, 5-11-23, with an additional report at Edmonds marsh, 5-22-23.
Blue-winged Teal (code 3), 1 male at Edmonds marsh, 5-12-23, with followup sightings, 5-15-23.
Herring Gull (code 4), 1 immature at Edmonds waterfront (photographed), 5-12-23.
Semipalmated Sandpiper (code 3), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-13-23. (Much rarer in spring than in southbound migration.)
Wilson's Phalarope (code 4), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-14-23, with followup sightings, 5-15-23.
Long-billed Dowitcher (code 3), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-15-23.
Spotted Sandpiper (code 3), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-15-23.
Greater Yellowlegs (code 3), 1 at Edmonds marsh, 5-16-23.
Honorable mention goes to Green Heron (code 3) sightings at Chase Lake in unincorporated Edmonds 5-6 & 5-9-23. There was a 5-29-23 report at Edmonds marsh with neither description nor photograph. Since that species is next to Great Blue Heron on the eBird basic checklist, a data entry error by birders unknown to us could not be ruled out.
As always, I appreciate it when birders get in touch with me to share sightings, photos, or audio. If you would like a copy of our 2023 city checklist, please request it from checklistedmonds at gmail dot com. (It reflects a species total of 280, including the 2022 Nazca Booby.) If eBirders will use the details field for unusual Edmonds birds, it will help us build the city year list. Photographs or recordings are also helpful. The 2023 checklist is posted in the bird information box at the Visitor Station at the base of the public pier and is updated through May.
Good birding,
Carol Riddell
Edmonds, WA
Abundance codes: (1) Common, (2) Uncommon, (3) Harder to find, usually seen annually, (4) Rare, 5+ records, (5) Fewer than 5 records