Subject: [Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2023-06-21
Date: Thu Jun 22 19:13:02 PDT 2023
From: birdmarymoor - birdmarymoor at

Tweets - Our first survey after the solstice was cold and cloudy for the first several hours.  It did warm from 47 to 60 degrees though, so we weren't cold for more than the first two hours.  Not a bad day.

    BLUE-WINGED TEAL - Pair seen from the Lake Platform.  We've never had them this late in the "spring".  First of Year (FOY)
    Hooded Merganser - Four at the Rowing Club pond.  First in 8 weeks
    GREEN HERON - One flew towards the lake, where we spotted it on a snag,  (FOY).  Last year we had to wait until late July for our first

Lots of active nests and fledged young about.  There were about seven heard-only species, and for many others we only had one decent look. But we got very good looks at several other species.

When we were at the Lake Platform, three RIVER OTTER appeared on the east shore.  About 8 tiny MALLARD ducklings quickly scooted away from shore.  No mom in sight for several minutes.  I think she chickened out when the otters approached and ditched the kids until it was safe!  She did eventually rejoin them and everyone went back to normal.

Misses today included Common Merganser, Caspian Tern, Belted Kingfisher, Red-eyed Vireo, Cliff Swallow, Bullock's Oriole, and \very surprisingly Lazuli Bunting.

For the day, 56 species.

= Michael Hobbs
= birdmarymoor at