Subject: [Tweeters] Big 4 Ice Caves Birding
Date: Fri Jun 23 09:13:33 PDT 2023
From: Marcy D'Addio - marcydaddio89 at
Thursday 6/22 my husband and I went to Big 4 Ice Caves to check out the new
boardwalks and restored bridge. It was great. The detour around the Hwy 9
closure was no problem. We parked in the first parking lot, no toilet
facilities there. The second lot just a little farther east had facilities.
I kept the binocs packed away for the hike to and from the ice caves. At
the end of the hike I did break out the glasses between the parking lot and
the concrete bench at north end of beaver marsh. This area is one of my
favorite birding spots.
Birding 5:30-5:50pm 6/22/23, all birds seen. I use Merlin for assist
because my hearing is declining. Merlin's first bird found was an American
Redstart. Ping ping ping- lots of fun birds.
All birds in list were seen:
American Redstart in alders
Yellow Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Swanson Thrush
Redbreasted Sapsucker
Hairy Woodpecker
Song Sparrow
Tree Swallow
American Robin
Stellers Jay
Cedar Waxwing
Band-tailed Pigeon
Black-headed Grosbeak
Marcy D'Addio
Redmond, WA