Subject: [Tweeters] REMINDER: WOS Monthly Meeting, November 6, 2023
Date: Wed Nov 1 08:01:57 PDT 2023
From: meetings at - meetings at

The Washington Ornithological Society (WOS) is pleased to announce our next Monthly Meeting. On Monday Nov 6, our speaker will be Madilyn Odiorne, a graduate of Eastern Washington University. Madilyn has been investigating the decline in prairies and other grassland ecosystems, as it impacts the abundance and diversity of birds inhabiting those grasslands. In particular, she has focused on comparing sites in the Palouse region of our state in her research.

This meeting will be conducted virtually, via Zoom (no in-person attendance). Sign-in will begin at 7:15 pm, and the meeting commences at 7:30 pm. Please go to the WOS Monthly Meetings page for instructions on participation and to get the Zoom link.

When joining the meeting, we ask that you mute your device and make certain that your camera is turned off.

This meeting is open to all as WOS invites everyone in the wider birding community to attend. Thanks to the generosity of our presenters, recordings of past programs are available at the following link to the WOS YouTube Channel at washingtonornithologicalso7839/videos

If you are not yet a member of WOS, we hope you will consider becoming one at

Please join us!

Elaine Chuang
WOS Program Support