Subject: [Tweeters] Seattle's Adaptable Urban Cooper's Hawks -; Thursday Nov 9 7 pm via Zoom or in-person
Date: Mon Nov 6 11:22:39 PST 2023
From: Molly Cvetovac - mollycvetovac at

I saw an instagram reel where a person was suggesting "Flicker's bain",
which I thought was pretty great.

On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 8:24 AM Doug Santoni <dougsantoni at> wrote:

> Based on the trends highlighted below, maybe its new (non-eponym) name

> will be "Adaptable Hawk" or "Suburban Hawk." I also like "Birdfeeder Hawk."


> Doug Santoni

> Seattle, WA

> Dougsantoni at gmail dot com


> On Nov 6, 2023, at 10:14 AM, Kathleen Snyder <ksnyder75 at> wrote:


> Thirty years ago, Cooper's Hawks began colonizing urban and suburban

> landscapes throughout the US, developing a tolerance for living near

> humans. Ed Deal, from Seattle's Urban Raptor Conservancy, will provide

> insights into these birds. Since 2012 the group has monitored the hawk's

> nesting density and productivity; the population has nearly tripled in just

> 12 years. Please join us to learn about the hawk, their nest site

> fidelity, migration and dispersal patterns as well as the protocols used

> for the study. This free program from Black Hills Audubon Society

> requires registration at:




> You can also join us in person at Temple Beth Hatfiloh at 201 8th Ave SE,

> Olympia where there will be refreshments and social time at 6:30. Ed

> will be speaking live from the Temple.

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