Subject: [Tweeters] A different Icterid
Date: Sun Nov 12 12:33:13 PST 2023
From: Denis DeSilvis - avnacrs4birds at
Hi Tweeters,
I spotted a weird-looking Icterid today behind the house. The silhouette was like that of a Red-winged Blackbird, especially with the tail-flipping. Through bins and scope, I noted the outer tail feathers were white, with only a few central feathers dark. The white was symmetrical, with the same number of feathers white on each side of the center. The breast was orange (!). The wings were dark brownish with light streaks. At one point the bird "fluffed" and I glimpsed reddish lesser coverts.
With the lesser coverts being that color, I think this was a Red-winged Blackbird. However, with the white outer tail feathers and the definite orange breast, this was a real puzzler. Could it have been a hybrid of some sort? No Icterid I know of has the outer white tail feathers.
If anyone has ideas concerning this bird, please let me know. I will try to take a photo of it if it stays around the property.
Thanks, and may all your birds be identified,
Denis DeSilvis
Avnacrs 4 birds at outlook dot com